Since 01.04.2024, we have been investigating how to make home delivery successful using AI. Our research collaboration of Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Technische Universität Darmstadt, XTL Kommunikationssysteme GmbH, and Green Convenience develops and tests a new multi-agent tour optimization algorithm that takes consumers' home attendance predictions to improve successful delivery rates and to optimize tour length, duration, and failed delivery costs simultaneously in large-scale realistic settings in real-time.
The project “KI4ELM Erfolgreiche Erstzustellung auf der letzten Meile” is funded by the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung with 780.000 € in the research program Hashtag#KI4KMU and will last two years until 31.03.2026.
Credits go to all the researchers who have already investigated this problem in previous studies! We will build on your great work! Stanley F Lim, PMP, Sami Serkan Özarık, Tom Van Woensel, Arianna Seghezzi, Pirmin Fontaine, Alexandre Florio, ...
Stay tuned for more information during the following weeks and months.